DIGIT-FUR has selected 4 external experts

The DIGIT-FUR project has finalized the selection process of the four experts that will contribute to the implementation of some key tasks during the whole project duration. The four experts selected cover the following fields of expertise: Digitization, Health & Safety at work, VET systems and Economic trends. The first step to be carried out will be the preparation and execution of a Survey among 50 experts in the above-mentioned fields and in the furniture sector. This survey will be the first step to let us better understanding and foreseeing which will be the situation of the Furniture sector by 2025 due to the main drivers of change. The survey results will be presented and used in the DIGIT-FUR open workshop, which will take place on the 25th of October in Brussels. If you are interested to participate to the workshop as expert, please contact us (digit-fur@cenfim.org).