EFIC – the European Furniture Industries Confederation – was founded in 2006 by seven national federations representing the furniture industries. Currently, it involves National Furniture Associations from 12 EU countries representing about the 70% of the total turnover of the furniture industries in Europe, a sector that employs about 1.1 million workers in close to 130.000 companies.
EFIC aims to duly represent the furniture manufacturers, defend and promote their interests, by establishing and maintaining a constructive dialogue with the European Institutions, social partners and other stakeholders.
Among its main activities, EFIC:
- Duly represents the furniture manufacturers with European Institutions such as the EU Commission, the Council and the European Parliament;
- Defends the common interests of its Members and promote strategies aimed at ensuring right conditions for the furniture market in EU policies and priorities;
- Constantly monitors EU legislation and new legislative initiatives, regularly updating its members and participating to EU public and stakeholders’ consultations;
- Provides a good and permanent relationship and an exchange platform among the national and European trade organizations for common projects, interests and ideas;
- Studies all the trade, technical, economic, social, fiscal problems and more generally all questions of interest for the development of the industries represented;
- Collects, analyses and distributes the corresponding documentation;
- Takes part in projects of common interest to the members.